A health form completed by the child’s physician, must be on file for each student. Be certain all immunizations are up to date. The school will make every effort to protect the health and safety of the child.
If a child has any symptoms of sickness such as a sore throat, coughing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, skin rash, or eye infection, he/she is to be kept home. Students must be symptom and fever free for 24 hours to return to school.
If a child becomes ill at school, the parents will be called immediately to pick up their child.
Please notify the school office if your child is sick or contracts a contagious disease. Always call your doctor for diagnosis in any illness.
Accident Procedures
Should an accident occur during the school session we will immediately contact the parents. If the parents are not available the emergency number on the student information sheet will be called. In case the emergency number does not answer, your child will be taken to the hospital.
Should an accident occur during the school session we will immediately contact the parents. If the parents are not available the emergency number on the student information sheet will be called. In case the emergency number does not answer, your child will be taken to the hospital.